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Service at PG电子游戏

Equipping students for a life of discipleship is a process of providing students with training, tools, experiences, and examples of a Christ-like lifestyle, which will encourage and assist the student in choosing discipleship as a way of life. Discipleship affects all aspects of life and is centered in servanthood and obedience to Christ as Savior and Lord. Jesus Christ encouraged a spirit of discipleship when he instructed His followers to reach out to others, in the surrounding communities and throughout the world, with His love. (Matt. 28:18)

In order to fulfill this command, Conestoga Christian School seeks to provide intentional opportunities for students to develop a heart of discipleship through missions and service to others. The focus of our missions and service is two-fold. We desire to reach out into our communities and our world to touch people’s lives with the love of Jesus Christ. We also need to serve one another as we live together in the Conestoga Christian School community.

Galatians 6:10 instructs us, "As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Expected Outcomes for the Missions and Service Program:

  • Students will develop a heart for missions and service as they recognize and identify the needs of people in their communities and the world.

  • Students will recognize and practice the concept of love and service to others as seen in Jesus Christ’s statement, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."    (Matthew 25:40)

  • Students will identify areas of service and seek to find ways to meet needs, following the example of Jesus Christ.

  • Students will evaluate the work of missions throughout our world and the need for each Christian to determine his/her role in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Students will develop relationships with individuals of a variety of ages, cultures, and professions as they participate in various missions and service opportunities.

  • Students will demonstrate excitement when they experience the blessing of reaching out to others with the love of Christ.

  • Students will experience the value and joy of working together with others for the glory of God.

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Conestoga Christian School

2760 Main Street

Morgantown, PA 19543


© 2017 - 2023 by Conestoga Christian School

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